Who am I

I discovered meditation and Reiki while I was doing an MBA in Phoenix in 1998 and as much as I loved it, I felt that something was missing. Then, in the year 2000, when I moved to Memphis TN, I found Yoga and I immediately fell in love with it. I had found what it would be the pillar for my growth and transformation.

I have been teaching Yoga since 2003 and in the last few years, I got certified in Trauma Sensitive Yoga,  iRest Yoga Nidra (level 1), Trauma Aware Yin Yoga and Trauma Aware Breath Coach.

I am in addition trained in Pain Reprocessing Therapy to work with chronic pain clients.

Also, I am a Spiritual Coach and a Reiki Master.

My Story

I am originally from Romania but grew up in Argentina. After my engineering studies and a master degree, I worked for 10 years at FedEx in the marketing department. As time went by, my desire to teach Yoga full time became very strong. With all my courage, the support of my husband, and a few years of pondering about it, I gave up my corporate career in 2009 to teach Yoga full time. That was my first and huge step in living a more authentic and meaningful life. 

I have been drawn to understand trauma and chronic pain from my own personal experience. While growing up, I had anxiety and PTSD symptoms; after giving birth to my twin boys in 2004, I started having chronic back pain. In fact, I had fibromyalgia, but that has only been diagnosed recently. 

Throughout the years, I've done Jungian psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioural therapy, and several somatic modalities. I've attended trainings/conferences and read books to discover why my body was reacting that way. I learnt a lot about trauma and how the body remembers everything. And I finally understood the complexity of it all, the magnitude of what I had lived, and the impact it had on my nervous system. My journey and my symptoms had become crystal clear. 

It's been a long and challenging road but as I look back Yoga has literally saved my life. I don't know where I would be now if I hadn't practiced Yoga. I am forever grateful as it has kept me sane and has guided me to my authentic “Alma”. 

My deepest desire, apart from continuing my own healing and transformation, is to help those in need. Trauma and chronic pain are invisible to the eye and they can go unrecognised for many years as it was in my case. I'd love to provide a door for people to reconnect with themselves, finding their true self, and build a foundation of self love, compassion, and understanding.